Sunday, December 3, 2006


things have been kind of exploding in my life - all very exciting... i feel like i'm on a rollercoaster. this week has been pretty amazing - i did an interview with Men's Fitness Magazine, then wrote and recorded a piano score for my friend Brett Berg's new film. It's an independent short - very disturbing - borderline horror - weird shit. But it was so much fun - i've never scored a movie before and i was kind of nervous going into it b/c i had no idea whether i could do it right ;) lol. anyway - i went in and decided that writing horror music is too much fun. minor keys and tritones - my favorite ;)

so, i haven't really written about the solo record i'm recording b/c i've been afraid that people were going to think i was not dedicated to Valeze or something... but i realized that is ridiculous - i am so excited about this record and dying to talk about it... so fyi: i am more dedicated to Valeze than i ever have been - the guys are my family and i fucking looooove my band... However, music is my life and i'm an obsessive compulsive workaholic - now that that is cleared up...

I've been working on this record since August. i had all these songs that i love that don't fit Valeze. they're definitely softer. i've been compiling them for a while and just putting them on the backburner for "someday"... It hit me last June that i just needed to get them recorded and stop making excuses for not getting it done - ie. money... people thinking i wasn't dedicated to valeze... etc.. so i recorded some basic piano/voice demos of the songs and started looking for someone to produce the songs for me - then my next excuse - "its not possible for me to do it myself - i need someone else to produce it"... Then my next excuse - "i can't afford to work with these producers"... the cycle's never ends;)

my friend mikki james(also one of my favorite songwriters/bass players) was self producing his record all summer and it was pretty inspiring for me to watch him do it... last july i was asking him for advice on getting my record done and he said - "produce your own record - you know how to engineer and you have good songs. just do it..." i don't know what about that made it hit home - i've heard it before - but i guess the combination of admiration i have for him as an artist and watching him produce his record pushed me to it. i had this idea that my record had to be some big production that was impossible for me to do... then i realized i was just making it up and creating more excuses to not get it done. self sabotage... why do i love it so? ;) anyway - i decided that i had to just get it done...

ive had no plans for this record. no "vision" if you will. take that how you want to, but i think its pretty beautiful... there's been no plan - i started with the piano/voice demos and have added piece by piece - percussion, synths, electronic drums, beatboxing (yes i did, and no its not what you think it is...). i've never produced before, so i have no idea what im doing. i figured the music would just create itself and i'd be surprised at the end. it definitely feels very "free" - nothing is contrived in the least since i have no idea what's coming next! not that there's anything wrong with having a plan either - its just that its been really fun for me to do this record like this - very spontaneous.

i started getting a little more ambitious along the way and decided to stereo track live drums in our studio - which was a blast - miles tracked some of the drums, i played on a couple tracks as well - of course, not as good as miles ;) he's such a great drummer - banged them out in one take! i love the drum sound and love that its just a stereo track. (i'm a geek)... so the drums led to guitars, lap steel and it started to grow into something bigger than i thought it would. I've had some incredible friends record on this record and everyone who's been a part of it has really brought a piece of themselves to it. i keep finding myself surprised everytime something new is recorded - which makes it even more fun.

Two weeks ago i had spent the entire weekend recording bass with Mikki, who came in from CT, and trumpet with my friend Joe Bennett. As I was about to back up the record my hard drive crashed and i lost all the bass, trumpets, and a drum track.. thankfully i had backed everything else up - but regardless, it was a weeks worth of work and I felt awful that Mikki and Joe's work got destroyed... i was kind of a mess, but i realized i couldn't do anything except retrack and do it better than before. honestly it ended up being a blessing in disguise. Last weekend I re-recorded the bass in CT w/Mikki and it completely breathed new life into everything... Also rerecorded trumpets with Joe - they sound insane... we ended up doing some very "grand" trumpet arrangements, added some more lapsteel too. ;) and yesterday i tracked some guitars with my buddy RJ as well. gogogo

In any case, its finally coming to the final stages. Gotta go edit and track some more guitars so i can start recording vocals this week.



oh - other great news - we got Valeze up on itunes this week - very excited about that as well. download it and show some love!


Anonymous said...

Hello Tiffany;

Thats great news about self producing your solo album - you'll be very proud of yourself venturing into new creative territory - its a brave thing to do - and not and easy job...

my solo album has become my
legacy - ( even though I couldn't get other musicians in on it, which is what I intended the final mix is still something I'm proud of, its fine the way it is with just me )got good reviews sold 29 copies to date....

you should contact me befor the end of the world - (don't send the Valeze world police after me ok?)

seasons greetings; love Paul P

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!

would love to help produce your solo effort -
I may have mentioned in the past that I'm "very affordable"
(or something like that)
