Friday, March 13, 2009

Lets PlaY

Where to begin?

This month has been a rollercoaster! On top of wild, new promise to you to have one song a month and three video blogs a week -- I had to move (still in LA ;), shot a music video for “Shame’s a Bitter Game”, learned Reiki, and I’ve had acting and finance classes 5-6 nights a week.

At least life is never boring!

In 2009 I wanted to do something really special, so I created Polyamorous: A collection of works by yours truly, Tiff. It’s a collection of songs, videos, and artwork that I will be releasing monthly online for all of 2009 that explores the world of love, sex and romance.

My Goals:

To give you new creations that will inspire you every month
To explore love, sex, and romance. ;)
To get over my need for “perfect” art and just let go and trust in my growth as an artist and trust in your love. After all, who are we to judge what gets created through us? Seems arrogant doesn’t it?
To let down my guard and allow myself to open up to you. To be vulnerable, intimate and fully, unabashedly self-expressed. (My greatest fear is to make myself completely vulnerable and have my heart ripped apart. But I am giving that up this year and giving it all to you in baby steps every month;).
To play with you. I have been hoarding all my music and you all have been very patient. You have emailed and called and chastised. Thank you for kicking my ass. I’m ready to play ;)
SO, I have a request of you…


Give me feedback on songs, videoblogs, music videos, artwork, blogs and newsletters! I want to know what is working and what’s not. What do you love? What do you want more of? What don’t you like? Please Tell Me! And Let’s PLAY TOGETHER!!! It would make a huge difference if you gave your feedback by posting it on my blog or on Facebook or Myspace, instead of emailing me directly. This is more fun b/c we can all share our thoughts together! Will you take this on? Please let me know. I love you madly.

The first piece of feedback you can give is on “Shame’s a Bitter Game” and the first batch of videoblogs.

Comment Below and bare your soul ;)

On the videoblogs: Truth is, I have no idea where they are leading yet ;) I am proud however that I am least busting my ass to do them. The hardest step is always getting out the door. Once you’re out its all about exploring and finding the right direction.

STAY TUNED: Next week I release the MARCH “SONG OF THE MONTH” for your listening pleasure.




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"Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze." - The Kybalion

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