Thursday, May 29, 2008


I signed. Read this letter and sign if you will! xo Tiff

Dear Friend,

Do you want to live in a country that legalizes discrimination?
Despite the recent California Supreme Court decision that
denying same-sex couples the right to marry is unconstitutional,
efforts are underway throughout the country to take away rights
from same-sex couples.

I just joined thousands of others in showing my support for
marriage equality for all. But recently, proponents of bigotry
and hate collected even more signatures in an attempt to
invalidate the California Supreme Court decision. And they won't
stop with California - extremists are even trying to add a
same-sex marriage ban to the U.S. Constitution.

We are at a turning point in our nation's history and I'm hoping
you'll join me in standing up against discrimination. Please
sign the Million for Marriage petition and get us one name
closer to showing that Americans overwhelmingly support marriage

Every committed couple deserves to enjoy the privileges and
responsibilities conferred by marriage. Add your name to the
petition and be a part of the movement to fight for marriage
equality for all.

Thank you!

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