feeling overwhelmed b/c i haven't written for a while. i feel like there are a million updates and i don't know where to start. so i'll forget it all and go with it ;)
i've been in an interesting space. finished my solo record and waiting to mix it. we're writing and arranging for the next Valeze record - yes, a full album ;) i'm writing like crazy and working with as many people as possible. i'm also doing the SELP course at Landmark which is pretty amazing. Im creating a community project and starting to surprise myself b/c i'm actually learning to be organized - its shocking really ;)
one of the things that i wanted to do was to transform a huge apartment complex in NYC into solar power. i think it could be such a cool domino effect - everything in NY is such a fad...maybe someone will steal my idea b/c i went with something else that hits a lot closer to home for me.
im creating a space for a group of about 25 artists to collaborate together in. i am surrounded by some of the most talented people in the world, who inspire me to no end... And I see them constantly getting stopped from following their visions b/c of money or whatever.
In NY the story goes something like this: brilliant artists with no money trying to make a buck to pay their rent so they can live in NY and play music with other brilliant musicians who are just trying to make a buck to pay their rent. space is expensive and the only free place to hang out are bars/venues and well, its a cycle called: a lot of talk and no action. Its a waste of energy and raw talent to see inspiration get tossed aside for "some day". There is no some day - You are either doing it or you're not.
So I got to thinking how amazing it would be if there was an actual space for us to hang and make music together in - like The Factory or something.. so that's what i'm up to. A lot of great people are starting to get involved and help make it happen. we're building an incredible team. pretty wild shit.
If anyone has ideas or wants to help - let me know!
xoxo t
ps. i finally watched The Secret yesterday. they did it real well... very powerful shit.