"The word "responsibility" has been continuously used in a wrong way. It gives a feeling of burden: you have to do it, it is a duty; if you don't do it you will feel guilty. I want to remind you that the word `responsibility' has none of those connotations. Break the word in two -- response-ability -- and you enter a totally different meaning of the word, in a different direction. Response-ability is not a burden. It is not a duty; it is not something you have to do in spite of yourself.
Response-ability simply means spontaneous response. Whatever situation arises, joyously you respond to it, with your totality, with your intensity. And this response will not only change the situation, it will also change you.
There are two words to be remembered: one is "reaction" and one is "response-ability." Most people react, they don't respond. Reaction comes from your memory, from your past experiences, from your knowledge; it is always inadequate in a fresh, new situation. And existence is continuously fresh. So if you act according to your past, that is reaction. But that reaction is not going to change the situation, it is not going to change you, and you will be in utter failure.
Response is moment-to-moment. It has nothing to do with memory, it has something to do with your awareness. You see the situation with clarity; you are clean, silent, serene. Out of this serenity, spontaneously you act. It is not reaction, it is action. You have never done it before, but the beauty of it is that it will suit the situation, and it will be a joy to you to know that you are capable of being spontaneous.
There are very few joys in life greater than spontaneity. Spontaneity means to be in the moment; it means acting out of your awareness, not acting according to your old conditionings. Those days are gone -- those conditions, conceptions are absolutely invalid." http://www.otoons.com/politics/osho_end_of_the_world.htm
I love Osho... I've been reading a bunch of his books (Check him out on Amazon - my fave is "Intimacy") He can come across as very extreme b/c of his use of language - he just loves to stir people up to think for themselves. One minute he says one thing, the next another - but he is always speaking from his heart.. I don't always agree with him, but most of what he has to say is incredibly powerful.
I was thinking about how often i say "yes" or "no" to things without even thinking why. I automatically say yes or no b/c of a past experience, instead of actually thinking about the options and possibilities first. I make decisions constantly instead of choices and I'm not even aware of it most of the time.
thought this was kind of amazing.. I've never even thought about the difference between using words like decision vs. a choice... But the distinction is so different... Deciding or Reacting is to do something based upon your past - you don't even Consider that there are other options when you decide and react... When you choose something its because you've considered all the possibilities and then responded to it... :
the word "decide" has the latin root -cide in it meaning "to kill"" Words ending in -cide come from the Latin verbal root of caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum ("kill").
2. to make a judgment or determine a preference; come to a conclusion.
to Choose:
1.to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference
Just thought it was kind of fascinating... thought i'd share ;) some amazing stuff is happening... i will write about all of it soon..
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